Factory NFL / NCAA painted teams are expected first of the year, check back soon!
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  • Removable Adhesive Putty for Weighting Bases

Removable Adhesive Putty for Weighting Bases

  • $4.95

Simply knead a small piece of Adhesive Putty into a ball, place it under your base and press firmly. Also great for setting your Invisibase Speed Cleats in position. Adhesive Putty is non-toxic, acid and lignin free.

  • Availability: In Stock

This reusable adhesive is great for weighting your player and base combinations. With this material, you can pinpoint the exact amount of material needed to get you just under your league or tournament's weight class. You can also apply just enough to the front, back, or either side to achieve your goals. Brand and colors may vary based on supply, 2 ounces or more in package.

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